1、科研项目: *主持天津市自然科学基金重点项目《还原型辅酶I荧光探针的设计合成及应用》19JCZDJC32400, 2019.04-2022.03 *主持《天津市高校“学科领军人才培养计划”》2018.01-2020.12 *主持完成国家自然科学基金《荧光信号释放受分子逻辑门机制控制的新型靶向智能探针及荧光标记成像》21272172, 2013.1-2016.12 *主持完成国家自然科学基金《内部固有金属催化位点的笼状聚集体的构建及其对烷烃氧化反应的催化性能研究》20972111, 2010.1-2012.12. *主持完成教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划《靶向红外荧光探针及其在癌症等重大疾病检测中的应用》NCET-09-0894, 2009-2011. *主持完成天津市自然科学基金重点项目《双控制型智能荧光探针与肿瘤荧光标记成像》12JCZDJC21000, 2012.4-2015.3. *主持完成天津市自然科学基金《基于新型杯[6]芳烃衍生物的全光子逻辑门器件》08JCYBJC26700, 2008.4-2010.3. *主持完成教育部基金《基于新型杯[6]芳烃衍生物的全光子输入/输出分子逻辑门系统》(教外司留[2008]101号), 2008-2011. *主持完成南开大学国家重点实验室2008年-2012年连续5期开放基金《基于杯[6]芳烃的荧光受体分子器件的构建及性能研究》, 2008.1-2008.12. 2、论文: 1.Jin Gong, Chang Liu, Songtao Cai, Song He, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng, A novel NIR fluorescent probe for fast detection and imaging of methionine sulfoxide reductase A in lysosome of living cells,Mater. Adv.,2020,1, 2401-2406. 2.Jin Gong, Chang Liu, Songtao Cai, Song He, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng, Novel near-infrared fluorescent probe with large Stokes shift based on xanthene-hemicyanine dyad fluorophore for sensing hypochlorous acid in mitochondria,Org. Biomol. Chem.,2020,18, 7656-7662 3.Chang Liu, Tong Zhao, Song He, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng,A lysosome-targeting viscosity-sensitive fluorescent probe based on a novel functionalised near-infrared xanthene-indolium dye and its application in living cells,J. Mater. Chem. B,2020, 8,8838-8844 4.Jin Gong, Chang Liu, Xiaojie Jiao, Song He, Liancheng Zhao, Xianshun Zeng, A novel near-infrared fluorescent probe with large stokes shifts for sensing extreme acidity and its application in bioimaging,Spectrochimica Acta Part A,2020,243, 118821. 5.Jin Gong, Chang Liu, Xiaojie Jiao, Song He, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng,A near-infrared fluorescent probe with improved Stokes shift bytuning the donor-acceptor-donor character of rhodamine skeletonand its applicationsRSC Advance,2020,10,29536–29542. 6.Jin Gong,Chang Liu,Xiaojie Jiao,Song He,Liancheng Zhao,Xianshun Zeng,Novel mitochondria-targeted viscosity probe based on a fluorescent rotatable xanthene-hemicyanine dyad,Microchem. J.,2020,158, 105191. 7.Jin Gong, Chang Liu, Xiaojie Jiao, Song He, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng,A novel near-infrared fluorescent probe with an improved Stokes shift for specific detection of Hg2+in mitochondria,Org. Biomol. Chem.,2020,18, 5238-5244. 8.Jin Gong, Chang Liu, Xiaojie Jiao, Song He, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng, A near-infrared fluorescent probe based on a novel rectilinearly π-extended rhodamine derivative and its applications,J. Mater. Chem. B,2020,8, 2343-2349 9.Songtao Cai, Chang Liu, Xiaojie Jiao, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng, A lysosome-targeted near-infrared fluorescent probe for imaging endogenous cysteine (Cys) in living cells,J. Mater. Chem. B,2020,8, 2269-2274. 10.Songtao Cai, Chang Liu, Xiaojie Jiao, Song He, Liancheng Zhao and Xianshun Zeng, A lysosome-targeted near-infrared fluorescent probe for imaging of acid phosphatase in living cells,Org. Biomol. Chem.,2020,18, 1148-1154. 3、其他成果(奖励、专利等): 奖励: 天津市自然科学奖二等奖,《超分子化学基础研究—识别、组装和化学传感》,天津市人民政府。 授权专利: 1.曾宪顺,刘畅,一种具有大斯托克斯位移的近红外发射氧杂蒽荧光染料制备方法,发明专利授权公开号CN 107383067 B (2019.05.14) 2.曾宪顺,肖志刚, 一种具有咔唑-罗丹明杂化结构的荧光染料制备方法和应用, 发明专利授权公开号CN 108191880 B(2019.08.09) 3.曾宪顺,王庆,一种直线型π-拓展的氧杂蒽染料及其制备方法, 发明专利授权公开号CN 108570244 B(2019.10.18) 4.曾宪顺,黄昆,一种近红外荧光染料的制备方法及其应用,发明专利授权公开号CN 106699778 BZL2018071900133710(2018.10.30) 5.曾宪顺,王庆,刘畅,一种半菁蓝素硼酸分子荧光探针及其制备方法和应用,发明专利授权公开号CN 102977131 B(2014.11.19) 6.曾宪顺,王庆,刘畅,一种用于检测次氯酸根的分子荧光探针及其制备和应用,发明专利授权公开号CN 102977130 B(2014.11.19) 7.曾宪顺,刘磊,一种具有核-壳结构的有机分子探针材料及其制备方法,发明专利公开号ZL200910069818.8 (2013年1月授权) |