1、科研项目:近期,限10项 1)国家自然基金面上项目:超超临界高氮耐热钢的制备、组织演化及腐蚀评价(主持) 2)天津市科技支撑重点项目:深海锻件井口头材料的设计与制备(第二) 3)企业研发项目:620℃超超临界汽轮机缸体材料的设计与研发(主持) 4)企业研发项目:大型耐磨铸件改进与提高(主持) 5)天津市自然基金:纳米析出无训练铁基记忆合金基础问题研究(主持) 2、论文、专著:近期代表作,限10篇(部) 1)Jingen Gao,Zhizhong Dong,Creep behavior and structure evolution of an advanced 9Cr1.5Mo1CoVNbBN heat‑resistant steel at elevated temperature,Applied Physics A (2020) 126:648,1-7 2)JingenGao,ZhizhongDong,HaitaoRen,BaoqunNing,MicrostructureEvolutioninanAdvanced9Cr–1.5Mo–1Co–VNbBNAlloyduringHeatTreatmentandHighTemperatureAging,steelresearchint.2019,90-93,1800534 3)Yongren Liu,Zhizhong Dong*,Liming Yu,Yongchang Liu,Huijun Li,Influence of aging on shape memory effect and corrosion resistance of a new Fe–Mn–Si-based alloy,J. Mater. Res., Vol. 30, No. 2, Jan 28, 2015 4)Yongren Liu, Zhizhong Dong*, Liming Yu, Yongchang Liu, Huijun Li, and Lin Zhang,Effects of aging on shape memory and wear resistance of a Fe–Mn–Si- based alloy, J. Mater. Res., Vol. 29, No. 23, Dec 14, 2014,2809-2816 5)Q. Guo, Z. Dong*, Z. Liu, L. Yu and K. Li Effects of aging on precipitation and shape memory of Fe–Mn–Si–Cr–Ni based alloy with V and N addition,Materials Science and Technology 2014 Vol.30 No. 12,1477-1480 6)Kang Li, Zhizhong Dong*, Yongchang Liu1 and Lin Zhang,A newly developed Fe-based shape memory alloy suitable for smart civil engineering,Smart Mater Struct. 22 (2013) 045002 (6pp) 7)Z.Z. Dong*, U.E. Klotz, C.Leinenbach, A.Bergamini,C.Czaderski,M. Motavalli, A novel Fe-Mn-Si shape memory alloy with improved shape recovery properties by VC precipitation, Advanced Engineering materials.Vol.11,1-2:40-45(2009). 8)Z.Z. Dong*, T. Sawaguchi, S. Kajiwara, T. Kikuchi, S.H. Kim and G.C. Lee, Microstructure change and shape memory characteristics in welded Fe-28Mn-6Si-5Cr-0.53Nb0.06C alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 438: 800-803 (2006) 9)Z. Dong* , T. Sawaguchi, T. Kikuchi, F. Yin, K. Ogawa, P. Sahu and S. Kajiwara, Internal friction study on fcc/hcp martensitic transformations in thermomechanically treated Fe–28Mn–6Si–5Cr–0.53Nb –0.06C (mass%) alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 442: 404-408(2006) 10)Z.Z. Dong*, S. Kajiwara, T. Kikuchi, T. Sawaguchi, Effect of Pre-deformmation at room temperature on shape memory properties of stainless type Fe15Mn5Si9Cr5Ni(0.5-1.5)NbC alloys, Acta Materialia,Vol.53: 4009-4018( 2005).
3、其他成果(奖励、专利等): 已授权专利 1)欧洲专利:EP 2 141 251 B1:Auf Eisen, Mangan und Silizium basierende Formgedächtnislegierungen(shape memory alloy based iron,manganese and silicon), 发明人:Zhizhong Dong,Klotz Ulrich Bergamini Anderea 2)中国发明专利CN102435624B,原位X射线衍射表征Fe-Mn-Si基记忆合金回复特性的方法 发明人:董治中 刘志超 刘永长 张林 3)中国发明专利 CN102936701B一种优异记忆恢复特性的铁基形状记忆合金及其制备方法 发明人: 董治中 李康 张林 姜华 4)中国发明专利CN104561839B一种稀土改性的9%Cr马氏体耐热铸钢及其制造方法 发明人:董治中 陈席国 高敬恩 李康 李云婷 李萌蘖 5)中国发明专利CN105092437B超超临界马氏体耐热铸钢原始奥氏体晶粒度显示方法 发明人:董治中 李云婷 李康 高敬恩 陈席国 周应应 , 6)中国发明专利CN109355585B,一种超高氮耐热铸钢及其制备方法 发明人:董治中 李苗苗 任楷 宁保群 王志奇 |