1、科研项目 (1) 施主掺杂对n型PbS热、电性能协同作用机制研究(15JCYBJC18500),天津市自然基金项目,2015.4-2018.3,主持人 (2) 熔化状态下一维金属纳米材料电输运特性的研究(10904108),国家自然基金,2010.1-2012.12,排名第二 (3) 高频、大功率声表面波(SAW)滤波器研制(05YFJZJC00400),天津市自然基金重点项目,2005.4-2008.4,排名第三 2、论文、专著 (1)Li Hanyang,Du Xueli#, Cao Lei, Guo Xiaohui, Yuan Zhihao, Effects of Pb doping on the electrical transport performance of Cu1.98Se, J Mater Sci, 55(2020): 2905-2912 (2)Du Xueli#, Wang Yuelong, Shi Rongna, Mao Zhiyong, and Yuan Zhihao, Effects of anion and cation doping on the thermoelectric properties of n-type PbS, J Eur Ceram Soc, 38(2018): 3512-3517 (3)Du Xueli#,Shi Rongna, Guo Ying, Wang Yuelong, Ma Yongchang, Yuan Zhihao,Enhanced thermoelectric properties of Pb1-xBixS prepared with hydrothermal synthesis and microwave sintering,Dalton Trans, 46(2017): 2129-2136 (4)Guo Ying,Du Xueli#, Wang Yuelong, Yuan Zhihao,Simultaneous enhanced performance of electrical conductivity and Seebeck coefficient in Bi2−xSnxS3by solvothermal and microwave sintering,J Alloys Compd, 717(2017): 177-182 (5)Du Xueli#, Shi Rongna, Ma Yongchang, Cai Fengshi, Wang Xuewei, Yuan Zhihao,Enhanced thermoelectric performance of n-type Bi2S3with added ZnO for power generation,RSC Adv, 5(2015): 31004-31009 (6)Du Xueli#, Cai Fengshi, Wang Xuewei,Enhanced thermoelectric performance of chloride doped bismuth sulfide prepared by mechanical alloying and spark plasma sintering,J Alloys Compd, 587(2014): 6-9 (7)DuXueli #,Qin Mingli, Yuan Zhihao, Yang Baohe, Qu Xuanhui,Structure and thermal conductivity of powder injection molded AlN ceramic,Adv Powder Technol, 2010, (21): 431-434 (8)Qin Mingli,Du Xueli, Wang Jian, Humail Islam S., Qu Xuanhui,Influence of carbon on the synthesis of AlN powder from combustion synthesis precursors,J Eur Ceram Soc, 29(2009):795-799 (9)Du Xueli#, Qin Mingli, Rauf Abdur, Yuan Zhihao, Yang Baohe, Qu Xuanhui,Structure and properties of AlN ceramics prepared with spark plasma sintering of ultra-fine powders,Mater Sci& Eng, A496(2008):269-272 (10)Du Xueli#,Qin Mingli, Akhtar Farid, Islam S. Humail, Qu Xuanhui,Study of rare-earth oxide sintering aid systems for AlN ceramics,Mater Sci & Engi, A460-461 (2007): 471-474 3、其他成果(授权发明专利) (1)杜学丽,史荣娜,一种N型PbS热电材料的制备方法,2018.2.6,中国,ZL201510287478.1 (2)杜学丽,史荣娜,王学伟,一种Bi位掺杂N型Bi2S3热电材料的制备方法,2018.5.11,中国,ZL201510288183.6