1、科研项目: 1) 组分比例可调的合金纳米线在限域空间内熔化再结晶行为(项目编号:16JCYBJC18000),天津市自然科学基金面上项目,2016.4-2019.3,10万,主持人; 2)熔化状态下一维金属纳米材料电输运特性的研究(项目编号:10904108),国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,2010.1-2012.12,23万,主持人; 3)利用固体中含结晶水盐受热产生纳米气泡及气泡破裂与水热合成研究(项目编号:21171128),国家自然科学基金项目,2012.1-2015.12, 60万,参加者; 4)高性能ZnO纳米棒阵列乙醇/LPG传感器制备及气敏机制(项目编号:08JCZDJC18700),天津市自然科学基金重点项目,2008.04-2010.10,20万,参加者; 5)具有梯度直径的纳米线(管)的制备与梯度性能(项目编号:20671070),国家自然科学基金项目,2007.1-2009.12,26万,参加者; 2、论文、专著: 1. L. Q. Luo,X. W. Wang*, X. Ma, Y. L. Zhang, L. L. Jin, Z. H. Yuan, Zinc aluminate nanotubes fabrication based on heating-induced volatilization and Kirkendall effect in nanopores of anodic aluminum oxide template,Vacuum, 172 (2020) 109051. 2. S. J. Ma,X. W. Wang*, T. Chen, Z. H. Yuan, Effect of surface morphology on catalytic activity for NO oxidation of SmMn2O5nanocrystals,Chemical Engineering Journal, 354 (2018) 191-196. 3.X. W. Wang*, S. J. Ma, X. H. Wang, C. Ma, Z. H. Yuan, Facile conversion of Zn nanowires to Zn nanotubes by heating-induced volatilization in nanopores of anodic aluminum oxide template,Vacuum, 132 (2016) 86-90. 4.X. W. Wang*, Y. R. Kang, W. W. Song, Z. H. Yuan, Controllable fabrication and resistance-temperature characteristics of ordered nanoporous Au and Pt films,Journal of Porous Materials, 23 (2016) 317-323. 5. Z. C. He,X. W. Wang*, Y. R. Kang, Z. H. Yuan, Melting and recrystallizing behaviors of Bi nanowires in the pores of anodic aluminum oxide template by Joule heating,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 166 (2015) 31-36. 6.X. W. Wang, Z. C. He, J. S. Li, Z. H. Yuan*, A facile method of fabricating PbBi alloy nanowires with controlled component proportion,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 595 (2014) 221-225. 7.X. W. Wang*, C. Ma, B. C. Fang, Z. H. Yuan, Abnormal resistance temperature characteristic of the melting Bi nanowires,Current Applied Physics, 14 (2014) 1543-1546. 8.X. W. Wang*, Z. H. Yuan, J. S. Li, (110) Orientation growth of magnetic metal nanowires with face-centered cubic structure using template synthesis technique,Materials Characerization, 62 (2011) 642-646. 9.X. W. Wang*, Z. H. Yuan, B. C. Fang, Template-based synthesis and magnetic properties of Ni nanotube arrays with different diameters,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 125 (2011) 1-4. 10.X. W. Wang*, Z. H. Yuan, S. Q. Sun, Y. Q. Duan, L. J. Bie, Electrochemically Synthesis and magnetic properties of Ni nanotube arrays with small diameter,Materials Chemistry and Physics, 112 (2008) 329-332. 3、其他成果(奖励、专利等): 2019年获得中国分析测试协会科学技术二等奖(第一完成人)