1、科研项目: (1)主持国家自然科学基金《含手性配体和亲核试剂双官能团聚合物催化剂的设计合成及其协同催化不对称MBH反应》21004044 2011.1-2013.12 (2)参与完成国家自然科学基金《荧光信号释放受分子逻辑门机制控制的新型靶向智能探针及荧光标记成像》21272172, 2013.1-2016.12 (3)参与完成国家自然科学基金《内部固有金属催化位点的笼状聚集体的构建及其对烷烃氧化反应的催化性能研究》20972111, 2010-2012. (4)参与完成天津市自然科学基金重点项目《双控制型智能荧光探针与肿瘤荧光标记成像》12JCZDJC21000, 2012.4-2015.3.
2、论文、专著: (1)Yin, X.;Cai, Y.;Cai, S.;Jiao, X.;Liu, C.;He, S.*; Zeng, X.*, A deep-red fluorescent molecular rotor based on donor-two-acceptor modular system for imaging mitochondrial viscosity.RSC Advances2020,10(51), 30825-30831. (2)Jiao, X.;Xiao, Z.;Hui, P.;Liu, C.;Wang, Q.;Qiu, X.;He, S.*;Zeng, X.*; Zhao, L., A highly selective and pH-tolerance fluorescent probe for Cu2+ based on a novel carbazole-rhodamine hybrid dye.Dyes and Pigments2019,160, 633-640. (3)Su, J.;Huang, S.;He, S.*; Zeng, X.*, Sensitive and Selective Fluorescent Chemosensors Combining Multiple PET Processes for Ag+ Sensing.Chemical Research in Chinese Universities2016,32(1), 20-27. (4)Mi, X.;Jiao, X.;Liu, C.;He, S.*; Zeng, X.*, Rhodamine-based Cell Permeable Fluoresecent Turn-on Probes for Cupric Ion.Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese2016,37(10), 1784-1791. (5)Tian, T.;Liu, C.;He, S.*; Zeng, X.*, Molecular Full-adder and Full-subtractor Logic Circuit Based on Fluorescein Derivatives.Chemical Journal of Chinese Universities-Chinese2015,36(2), 260-266. |