
Bo Wang

Author: [Time]:2022-04-17 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Bo WangAssistant Professor

Address:No. 391 Bin Shui Xi Dao Road, Xiqing District, Tianjin 300384, China




09/2008-06/2012,Dalian Minzu University,Chemical Engineering and Technology,Bachelor degree

09/2013-03/2016,Tiangong University,Chemical Engineering and Technology,Master degree

09/2016-11/2020,Tianjin University,Chemical Engineering,Doctor degree

From 01/2021, Tianjin University of Technology,Life and Health Intelligent Research Institute,Assistant Professor

Research Area

Gas separation membranes and membrane separation process. (1) Develop a variety of high-performance gas separation membrane materials for carbon capture of coal flue gas; (2) Research the structure-activity relationship between membrane structure and gas separation performance; (3) Reveal the transfer mechanism of gas molecules in porous materials; (4) Study the the industrial scale of membrane process.

Research Projects

(1)Natural Science Foundation of Tianjin (No. 22JCQNJC00860), Host

(2)National Key R&D Program of China (No. 2017YFB0603400). Participant

(3)Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 21436009). Participant

Published papers

(1)Bo Wang#; Zhihua Qiao#; Jiayou Xu; Jixiao Wang; Xinlei Liu; Song Zhao; Zhi Wang*; Michael D. Guiver*. Unobstructed ultrathin gas transport channels in composite membranes by interfacial self-assembly.Advanced Materials, 2020, 32(32): 1907701 (1-8).

(2)Bo Wang#; Menglong Sheng#; Jiayou Xu; Song Zhao; Jixiao Wang; Zhi Wang*. Recent advances of gas transport channels constructed with different dimensional nanomaterials in mixed-matrix membranes for CO2separation,Small Methods. 2020, 4: 1900749 (1-16).

(3)Bo Wang#; Menglong Sheng#; Jiayou Xu; Song Zhao; Jixiao Wang; Zhi Wang*. Recent advances of gas transport channels constructed with different dimensional nanomaterials in mixed-matrix membranes for CO2separation,Small Methods. 2020, 4: 1900749 (1-16).

(4)Bo Wang; Jiayou Xu; Jixiao Wang; Song Zhao*; Xinlei Liu*; Zhi Wang*. High-performance membrane with angstrom-scale manipulation of gas transport channels via polymeric decorated MOF cavities.Journal of Membrane Science, 2021, 625: 119175 (1-11).

(5)Bo Wang; Jian Song; Xiaoyao Tan*; Bo Meng; Jian Liu; Shaomin Liu*. Reinforced perovskite hollow fiber membranes with stainless steel as the reactive sintering aid for oxygen separation.Journal of Membrane Science, 2016, 502: 151-157.

(6)Bo Wang, Tie Wang*. Binary Cooperative Complementary Membranes: A Perspective. Advanced Materials Interfaces. 2022.9: 2200592.

(7)Haoqing Xu, Wenyan Feng, Menglong Sheng, Ye Yuan,Bo Wang, Jixiao Wang, Zhi Wang*. Covalent organic frameworks-incorporated thin film composite membranes prepared by interfacial polymerization for efficient CO2separation. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 43: 152-160.

Research achievements

(1)Outstanding Youth Achievement Award of Beijing Membrane Society; (2) Excellent Doctoral dissertation of Tianjin University; (3) Tianjin Graduate Scientific Research Innovation Project.


Zongpeng Chen, Wenhui Ling, Yan Zhang, Erping Luo, Guanghao Shen, Zhiguo Wang, Xiaoyao Tan, Bo Wang. Stainless steel doped perovskite ceramic double-phase composite hollow fiber oxygen permeable membranes and fabrication method. CN104923083A, China.
