
Yichen Du

Author: [Time]:2022-04-17 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

F285Yichen Du,Research Associate, Life and Health Research Institute, Tianjin University of Technology



July 2018 to September 2021, Post-Doctoral Fellow atNankai University, China, collaborated with Prof. Dr. De-Ming Kong.

September 2013 to June 2018, Ph.D., Analytical Chemistry, Nankai University, Doctorial tutor: De-Ming Kong

September 2009 to June 2013, B.S., Chemistry, Yanbian University

Research Interest:

1. Construction of nucleic acid isothermal amplification strategy and its application in biosensing.

2. Development of point-of-care diagnostic device based on isothermal nucleic acid amplification technology


1.Y.-C. Du, S.-Y. Wang, Y.-X. Wang, J.-Y. Ma, D.-X. Wang, A.-N. Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase combined CRISPR-Cas12a amplification strategy for ultrasensitive detection of uracil-DNA glycosylase with zero background,Biosens. Bioelectron.,2021, 171, 112734.

2.Y.-C. Du, S.-Y. Wang, X.-Y. Li, Y.-X. Wang, A.-N. Tang, De-Ming Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-activated nicking enzyme amplification reaction for specific and sensitive detection of DNA methyltransferase and polynucleotide kinase,Biosens. Bioelectron.,2019, 145, 111700.

3.Y.-C. Du, Y.-X. Cui, X.-Y. Li; G.-Y. Sun, Y.-P. Zhang, A.-N. Tang, K. Kim, D.-M. Kong*, Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase and T7 exonuclease-aided amplification strategy for ultrasensitive detection of Uracil-DNA glycosylase,Anal. Chem.,2018, 90(14): 8629~8634.

4.Y.-C. Du, Y.-J. Zhu, X.-Y. Li, D.-M. Kong*. Amplified detection of genome-containing biological targets using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-assisted rolling circle amplification.Chem. Commun.,2018, 54, 682-685.

5.Y.-C. Du, L.-N. Zhu, D.-M. Kong*. Label-free thioflavin T/G-quadruplex-based real-time strand displacement amplification for biosensing applications.Biosens. Bioelectron.,2016, 86, 811-817.

6.Y.-C. Du, H.-X. Jiang, Y.-F. Huo, G.-M. Han, D.-M. Kong*. Optimization of strand displacement amplification-sensitized G-quadruplex DNAzyme-based sensing system and its application in activity detection of uracil-DNA glycosylase.Biosens. Bioelectron.,2016, 77, 971-977.
