
Mingmin Li

Author: [Time]:2022-04-20 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Dr.MingminLi, research assistant


Education background

2010.9-2014.7, Shanxi Normal University, bachelor

2014.9-2017.7, Nankai university, master

2017.9-2020.8,Nankai university, doctor '

To date, she has published 9 papers in international core journals, includingJ. Am. Chem. Soc., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,Coordin. Chem. Rev.,Anal. Chem.etc.,and appliedfor a patent (application number: 202010128204.9).

Research interest:

Her research focuses on the preparation of composite materials, enzyme immobilization and the construction of optical probes, aiming at providing guidance for the application of biomolecules and porous materials, especially in the field of biomedicine.


1.Li Mingmin, Qiao Shan, Zheng Yunlong, Yassin H Andaloussi, Li Xia, Zhang Zhenjie, Li Ang, Cheng Peng, Ma Shengqian and Chen Yao*. Fabricating Covalent Organic Framework Capsules with Commodious Microenvironment for Enzymes.Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2020, 142(14), 6675-6681.

2. An Hongde#,Li Mingmin#, Gao Jia, Zhang Zhenjie, Ma Shengqian and Chen Yao*. Incorporation of Biomolecules in Metal-Organic Frameworks for Advanced Applications.Coordination Chemistry Reviews, 2019, 384, 90-106.

3.Li Mingmin#, Wu Jianzhen#, Ma Mengtian, Feng Zhichao, Mi Ze, Rong Pengfei* and Liu Dingbin*. Alkyne- and Nitrile-Anchored Gold Nanoparticles for Multiplex SERS Imaging of Biomarkers in Cancer Cells and Tissues.Nanotheranostics, 2019, 3, 113-119.

4. Yu Qi,Li Mingmin, Gao Jia, Xu Peixin, Chen Qizhe, Xing Dong, Yan Jie, Michael J. Zaworotko, Xu Jun, Chen Yao, Cheng Peng and Zhang Zhenjie*. Fabrication of Large Single Crystals for Pt-Based Linear polymers with Controlled-Release and Photoactuator Performance.Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, 58(51),18634-18640.

5.Li Mingmin, Li Jin, Di Huixia, Liu Huiqiao and Liu Dingbin*. Live-Cell Pyrophosphate Imaging by in Situ Hot-Spot Generation,Analytical Chemistry,2017, 89, 3532-3537.

6. Xiong Yanmei, LiMingmin, Liu Huiqiao, Xuan Zhihong, Yang Jie* and Liu Dingbin*. Janus PEGylated Gold Nanoparticle: A Robust Colorimetric Probe for Sensing Nitrite Ions in Complex Samples.Nanoscale, 2017, 9, 1811-1815.

7. Liu Huiqiao, Li Qiang,Li Mingmin, Ma Sisi and Liu Dingbin*. In Situ Hot-Spot Assembly as a General Strategy for Probing Single Biomolecules.Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 4776–4780.

8. Di Huixia, Liu Huiqiao,Li Mingmin, Li Jin and Liu Dingbin*. High-Precision Profiling of Sialic Acid Expression in Cancer Cells and Tissues Using Background-Free SERS Tags.Analytical Chemistry, 2017, 89, 5874−5881.

9. Xuan Zhihong,Li Mingmin, Rong Pengfei,* Wang Wei, Li Yijun* and Liu Dingbin*. Plasmonic ELISA Based on The Controlled Growth of Silver Nanoparticles.Nanoscale, 2016, 8, 17271-17277.
