
Metallographic Microscope

Author: [Time]:2022-06-02 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Instrument model:LV100ND


Specifications and technical parameters:1. Optical system: CFI60-2 (infinitely far optical system); 2. LV-UEPI 2 type drop illuminator is capable of bright field, dark field, simple polarization, fluorescence, and DIC observation. When switching from bright field to dark field, the field-of-view diaphragm and aperture diaphragm are automatically opened; 3, Objective lens converter: anti-static five-hole objective lens converter; 4. Objective: 5x-100x CFI TU Plan universal flat field bright and dark field fluorescence objective lens (semi-complex achromatic), flush focus distance of 60mm; 5. fluorescent module: equipped with red, green and blue three long pass fluorescent block; 6. light source: reflection lighting for dual light source lighting, equipped with 12V 50W high-brightness halogen lamp and long-life mercury lamp two light sources, can be manually switched through the dual light source adapter; transmission lighting equipped with 12V 50W high-brightness halogen lamp light source; 7. the same brand original color digital camera, large size CMOS sensor (target surface size 36.0mm × 23.9mm); with 16.25 million real pixels (non-interpolated); at 4908 × 3264 pixels (full pixel) to achieve 6fps shooting speed; 1636 × 1088 pixels to obtain 45fps shooting speed. 8. the same brand original micrographic image processing software, provides a series of operational functions from microscope control, micrographic image acquisition, to simple geometric measurement, file management, report production, etc.

Features and functions:The equipment is mainly used for metallographic organization, alloy materials, non-metallic opaque materials as well as integrated circuits, micro-particles and other surface conditions observation and fluorescence observation. The instrument has the following features:

1. Capable of bright field, dark field, simple polarized light, fluorescence, DIC observation. When switching from bright field to dark field, the field-of-view diaphragm and aperture diaphragm are automatically opened.

2. Reflective lighting for dual light source lighting, equipped with 12V 50W high-brightness halogen lamp and long-life mercury lamp two light sources, can be manually switched through the dual light source adapter.

3. Equipped with physical pixels 16.25 million pixels ultra-high resolution color imaging system, can obtain ultra-high resolution bright field as well as fluorescent images.

Attachments and Configurations:1. Equipped with bright field and fluorescent dual light source reflection illumination system; 2. Equipped with 5-100 times bright and dark field fluorescent objective lens; 3. Equipped with red, green and blue fluorescent filter; 4. Equipped with physical pixel 16.25 million pixels ultra-high resolution color imaging system; 5. Equipped with professional version analysis software.

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