
Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer

Author: [Time]:2022-06-02 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Instrument model:UV-1900i


Specifications and technical parameters:

1.Wavelength range: 190-1,100nm

2. Wavelength scan speed: 29,000-2nm/min

3. Stray light exchange: <0.02% (220nm, NaI)

4. Optical path system: double beam

5. Photometric range: absorbance: -4-4Abs

6. Photometric repeatability: <± 0.0002Abs at 0.5Abs

Features and functions:Each substance has its unique, fixed absorption spectrum curve, and the substance can be analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively by discriminating or determining the amount of the substance based on the absorbance at certain characteristic wavelengths on the absorption spectrum. Comparative analysis can be done, and if two samples get exactly the same test result, it indicates that the two samples are the same substance. If there is no standard sample, you can choose to compare the analysis with a known standard spectrum; you can check the purity of the chemical substance, and also deduce the atomic structure of the substance, and also determine the hydrogen bond between the substances.

Attachments and Configurations:UV spectrophotometer mainframe, cuvette.

Reservation Websitehttp://
