

Author: [Time]:2022-08-30 [Source]: [ClickTimes]:

Instrument model:MicroWriter ML3

Manufacturer:Durham Magneto Optics

Specifications and technical parameters:

1 Direct write performance.

1.1 Direct writing resolution mode: 0.6μm, 1.0μm two resolution modes, and different resolution modes can be

software automatic switching, can be upgraded in situ to add 0.4um, 2.0μm and 5um resolution modes.

1.2 Fastest direct writing speed (mm2/min): 17@0.6μm, 50@1μm.

1.3 Alignment and nesting accuracy: 1um.

1.4 Grayscale direct writing level: 256 levels;

1.5 Working principle: full processing area focused spot scanning direct writing.

2 Direct writing light source

2.1 Light source wavelength: 365nm.

2.2 Light source power: 1.5W.

3 Sample processing area

3.1 Maximum substrate size: 155 mm diameter.

3.2 Maximum substrate thickness: 7 mm.

3.3 Maximum processing area: 149mm x 149mm.

3.4 Equipped with X, Y, Z three-dimensional DC linear displacement motors with a stepping accuracy of 100nm.

3.5 Maximum travel of X/Y axis not less than 200mm, maximum travel of Z axis 7mm.

3.6 Sleeving accuracy control within 1μm (≤1um).

3.7 Minimum raster accuracy of not more than 100 nm.

3.8 Temperature-controlled sample chambers.

4 Microscope system

4.1 integrated optical microscope system with magnification: ×10/×20 respectively, 2 magnifications can be switched automatically.

4.2 Equipped with an optical contour detection system for two-dimensional imaging with Z-directional resolution no worse than 100nm.

5 Alignment, focus and calibration system

5.1 Dual components with automatic alignment and local visual alignment with an alignment accuracy better than 500 nm.

5.2 Equipped with Focus-lock autofocus assembly.

5.3 Automatic adjustment of the Z-focused processing surface for samples with uneven surfaces.

5.4 With automatic calibration software and detector.

6 equipped with automatic mark recognition function, can quickly and automatically identify specific graphic mark patterns.

7 Ancillary functions

7.1 With multi-task automatic processing function for multiple substrates.

7.2 With automatic combined processing function for different resolution modes in different areas of the same task.

8 Computer and Software

8.1 A set of computers with special configurations and the installation of electronic mask template design software: Clewin5.

8.2 Installation of special Windows-based control software, compatible with CIF, TIFF, BMP and other files.

9 Devices are desktop type design

Host size: 70cm x 70cm x 70cm , overall footprint of 120cm x 120cm.

Features and functions:

Microwriter ML3 is a multifunctional laser direct writing lithography system with compact structure (70X70X70cm3), the flexibility of maskless direct writing lithography system, also has the characteristics of high direct writing speed, high resolution, integrated design, fully automatic control, high reliability, easy operation, suitable for a variety of laboratory desktop.

Attachments and Configurations:

Desktop micro and nano structure high speed direct writing system, Clewin 5 special electronic mask image design software

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