一、科研项目: 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目,含刚性关节的绳驱动并联机构设计理论与性能评价方法研究(51975412),2021.1-2014.12,60万,在研,主持; 2.天津市新一代人工智能科技重大专项,面向卫星大部组件装配的机器人系统研制与应用(18ZXZNGX00350),2018.10-2021.9,300万,已结题,课题负责人; 3.天津市智能制造科技重大专项,基于传统酿造工艺的智能上甑机器人关键技术研究与应用(15ZXZNGX00040),2015/10-2017/09,75万,已结题,主持; 4.天津市智能制造科技重大专项,高速高精度柔性3C机器人关键技术研究与应用(15ZXZNGX00270),2016/04-2018/03,50万元,已结题,课题负责人; 5.国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,少自由度并联机构同性异构现象产生机理及构型优化研究(51205289),2013/01-2015/12,25万,已结题,主持; 6.科技部智能机器人专项,液压重载机械臂关键技术研究与应用验证,2017.12-2020.11,430万,已结题,参与; 7.科技部智能机器人专项,新能源汽车全铝车身制造柔性机器人自动化生产线关键技术研究与示范应用,2017.12-2020.11,143万,已结题,参与; 8.企业委托课题,白酒自动化包装生产线研制,2019.1-2021.1,500万,已结题,主持
二、代表性论著: 1.Yue Ma; Qi Liu, Mian Zhang;Bin Li*; Zhenzhong Liu. An approach for mobility and force_motion transmissibility analysis of parallel mechanisms based on screw theory and CAD technology, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2021, 13(10):1-22. 2.Jingjing Feng; Sai Ma; Ke Zhang; Shuying Hao;Bin Li*,Static and dynamic buckling behavior of CNTS with S-W defects, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 2021, 35(08):2150116-1-2150116-22. 3.DeCai Li, Mian Zhang*,TianBo Kang,Bin Li*, HongBiao Xiang, KeSheng Wang, ZhenLong Pei, XiuYang Tang, Peng Wang,Fault diagnosis of rotating machinery based on dual convolutional-capsule network (DC-CN), Measurement, 187(2022) 110258. 4.Guilian Wang, Zhijian Feng, Qingchun Zheng,Bin Li *, Haibo Zhou, Molecular dynamics simulation of nano-polishing of single crystal silicon on non-continuous surface, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 118 (2020) 105168. 5.Li, B.*, Li, Y. , Zhu, P. , Ma, W. , & Li, X. . Study on optimization of thermal spinning process of accumulator shell. Mechanics and Industry, 21(4), (2020) 402. 6.Lei Zhao, Xin-hua Zhao,Bin Li*, Yu-wei Yang, and Liang Liu,Nonlinear friction dynamic modeling and performance analysis of flexible parallel robot, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems,2020: 1–14. 7.杨玉维,李彬*,周海波,赵新华,宋阳,刘凉,赵磊.计及非完美运动副的移动并联机械手动力学分析[J].机械工程学报,2019,55(15):208-216. 8.Haiyan An,Bin Li*,Shoujun Wang,Weimin Ge,Kinematics and Transmission Performance Analyses of a 2T2R Type 4-DOF Spatial Parallel Manipulator, Journal of Robotics, Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 4750627. 9.Enhong Xing,Bin Li,and Xinhua Zhao,Concept Design and Analysis of a Novel Steamer-filling Robot, Journal of Robotics, Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 9467458. 10.Lv Bingrui, Wang Guilian,Li Bin, Zhou Haibo, Hu Yahui , Research on a 3-DOF motion device based on the flexible mechanism driven by the piezoelectric actuators, Micromachines, 2018,11(9):Article number: 578.
三、授权专利: 1.李彬,葛为民,赵新华,王收军,一种可实现三维转动和两维移动运动的五自由度并联机构,ZL201711335563.6; 2.杨玉维,冯晶晶,李彬,赵新华,赵磊,刘凉,一种汽车曲臂遮阳棚,ZL201710989627.8; 3.马跃;刘祺;李彬;郭磊;智能封堵机器人虚拟仿真软件, 2021SR0632918,原始取得,全部权利, 2021-2-20. 4.马跃;刘祺;李彬;郭磊;危化品泄漏机器人化封堵工艺模拟软件, 2021SR0570931,原始取得,全部权利, 2021-2-20.
四、荣誉奖励: 1.新型焊接镀锌钢管装备的研发与应用,天津市科技进步奖一等奖,第6; 2.多任务混联式移动机械手动力学建模及其非线性解耦控制技术及应用,天津市科技进步奖一等奖,第4.